Public gives direction on future of downtown | Western Springs, IL

Online Article ‘The Doings Western Springs’ | By: Jane Michaels

Western Springs Workshop #1

A book store, gift and card shop and a specialty prepared foods store topped the list of prospective businesses Western Springs residents would patronize in their downtown, according to a survey from December. Results of the survey were presented Jan. 13 at the first of three community meetings to gather input on crafting a downtown redevelopment plan, guided by Teska Associates, Inc., consultants based in Plainfield and Evanston. Joe Lane, association president, said he hasn’t yet reviewed the survey but has high hopes of positive results for the downtown from the planning process, unlike past efforts where little changed. About 60 residents attended the Jan. 13 meeting, said Martin Scott, community development director. After hearing a presentation on the survey and the planning process, residents broke into small groups to brainstorm ideas.

“It’s exciting. They’re doing this one right,” Lane said. “It went very well. It’s different than in the past because it’s very interactive,” Scott said. “The trend is to get more input from residents and business owners.”

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