Kankakee Remake of Schuyler Avenue Nears…

Decorative string lights criss-crossing above Schuyler illuminating the sidewalk below, new (sturdier) light poles, striped bike lanes…

These are just a few of the improvements planned as part of the Schuyler Avenue Streetscape Plan that kicked off earlier this summer. An open house was held on November 15th at the Kankakee Public Library to showcase plan recommendations, renderings, and gather additional input from locals. The streetscape concepts and improvements noted above were designed to celebrate the insights and desires shared by residents and business owners via the project website (schuylerstreetscapeplan.org) and at a farmers market pop-up booth held earlier this summer. Outreach themes include: make better connections between north and south Schuyler Ave; continue the festoon lighting (and add more of it!); support outdoor cafes; improve places to sit, gather, bike, and stroll; and don’t forget trees and flowers!

Implementation Ahead! Funds are already in place with improvements pegged for immediate action. As highlighted in the Daily Journal, “the project, already out for bid, is expected to begin in March and be completed in July. The goal is to have the project completed before the annual Merchant Street MusicFest begins on July 26.

Mayor Chasity Wells-Armstrong said the goal is to make downtown more accessible for bikers and walkers. “We’re very excited about this project. This is about making the downtown vibrant and welcoming,” the mayor said. The eventual goal, the mayor noted, is for the streetscape design to extend south to East River Street, where it would connect with the city’s proposed riverwalk along the Kankakee River. Chip Rorem, a longtime member of the Kankakee Planning Board and a member of the downtown streetscape steering committee, said this design is being used in cities across the country. He noted cities are placing greater emphasis on encouraging bike and pedestrian traffic. “We are returning to a pedestrian environment. By eliminating one side of on-street parking, we believe it opens up the downtown experience for so many others,” he said. “It’s a trade off. This is about revitalization and this is how it starts.”

Follow along and receive project updates by entering your email at www.schuylerstreetscapeplan.org.

Farmers Market Pop-Up Idea Booth