Teska-Organized Panel: Communication Starts with Learning + Relationships

We’ve all heard about that meeting where only one person showed up, or that meeting that drew the angry mobs… As planners, we love sharing these stories and know that they carry important lessons on communication. Last Monday, April 29th, Teska partnered with APA-CMS to organize a panel on this topic: Cutting Through the Noise: Effective Communication Techniques for Planners. The fabulous line-up of speakers featured:

  • Tina Fassett Smith, Communications Principal, CMAP
  • Darnell Shields, Executive Director, Austin Coming Together
  • Rudy Flores, Executive Director, Lincoln Square SSA and Chamber
  • Jeff Brady, Director of Community Development, Village of Glenview

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Each panelist discussed their unique approach to communication. Though all came from a different perspective, a common theme centered around learning from the community and building relationships with the people in them. Some big-picture takeaways are highlighted below:

  • Tina Fassett Smith:
    • Stick to one, consistent message across all audiences
    • Hear from your harshest critics first
  • Rudy Flores:
    • Engaging with and learning from your community is an ongoing process
    • Social media is a valuable tool–use it wisely and think about how the post/platform will reach a certain audience
  • Darnell Shields:
    • Keep in mind your core values throughout the process (unity commitment, transparency, collaboration, action
    • Building a movement is about learning from people on the ground about what works and doesn’t work
  • Jeff Brady:
    • Ask where is your audience is in their understanding of an issue
    • Constantly over-communicate and answer as many questions as possible

From all of us at Teska, a huge thank you to the panelists for the knowledge they shared and to APA-CMS for encouraging these important conversations. Here’s to better communication across communities everywhere!
